Monthly Tuition with color drawing of children holding hands



2025-2026 PRICING

August 2025 to May 2026


Director - Kelly Davis     Assistant Director - Lori Weber

DAY SCHOOL HOURS:         N1 to 4K 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.   

EXTENDED CARE HOURS:  N1 to 4K 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monthly Tuition                                                                T/TH          M/W/F          M-F

Nursery 1 Born March 2025-August 2025                                   $350              $400             $500

Nursery 2 Born September 2024-February 2025                        $350              $400             $500

Nursery 3 Born March 2024-August 2024                                   $320              $380             $480

Nursery 4 Born September 2023-February 2024                        $320              $380             $480

2K Age 2 as of September 1, 2025                                                 NA                $350             $450

3K Age 3 as of September 1, 2025                                                 NA                $315             $420

4K Age 4 as of September 1, 2025                                                 NA                $300             $400

The monthly tuition fee is figured on a year's total tuition divided by 10 monthly payments.

Registered members of Homewood Church of Christ receive a 10% discount on monthly tuition.  

All payments are due by the 10th of each month. Monthly billing will consist of tuition, any extended care/lunch charges for the previous month and activity fees. Your teacher will notify you when to expect special activity/field trip fees. A $25 late tuition fees will be assessed beginning the first day after payment is due with an additional $25 fee every 5 business days.

***Exception-In May, any previous charges, and any anticipated charges such as lunch and/or extended care must be pre-paid by the 10th. ***

No reduced rates will be given for closing classes due to following COVID procedures, illness, vacation, holidays, inclement weather, or early withdrawal from the program.

Monthly tuition is non-refundable. There will be no makeup days. Tuition and fees will accrue until a 30-day written notification for withdrawal is submitted and the 30-day period is satisfied.

NON-REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION FEE: The fee consists of$50.00 per child and the May 2026 tuition. If your child is enrolled during May 2026, you will receive a credit on May tuition. Nursery 1 enrollment requires tuition to be paid beginning in August regardless of when the infant begins during the year.  Once your child has registered, any schedule changes initiated by the parents on the days attending will be assessed a $25 schedule fee change.  

***Classes will be offered contingent on enrollment. *** The Day School reserves the right to de-enroll any child whose social, physical, or emotional needs are beyond the resources and training of our current staff.

Nursery 1 Born between March 2025-August 2025                                T/TH $400    M/W/F $450    M-F $550

Nursery 2 Born between September 2024-February 2025                     T/TH $400    M/W/F $450    M-F $550
Nursery 3 Born between March 2024-August 2024                                T/TH $370    M/W/F $430    M-F $530
Nursery 4 Born between September 2023-February 2024                     T/TH $370    M/W/F $430    M-F $530
2K Age 2 as of September 1, 2024                                                                                      M/W/F $400    M-F $500
3K Age 3 as of September 1, 2024                                                                                       M/W/F $365    M-F $470
4K Age 4 as of September 1, 2024                                                                                       M/W/F $350    M-F $450

: $6.00 an hour, for any portion of an hour used.  The Day School closes promptly at 5:00 p.m. As stated in the Parent Policy Handbook, a late pickup fee will be charged beginning at 5:01.

SUPPLY FEES: $100 Due in August and in January. Supply fees cover consumable and non-consumable items.