HDS Sickness Policy

Sick Policies of the Homewood Day School
  •   If a staff member or child has a fever of 100.4 degrees or more, they will be sent home and will not be able to return until 24 hours fever free without medication. If a child is present with a temperature of 99, he /she will be allowed to stay, and his/her temperature will be checked every 30 minutes. If his/her fever rises to 100.4, the parents will be contacted and asked to pick up their child immediately.
  •   Our sick policy is up to 72 hours (about 3 days) fever, vomit, and diarrhea free without medication or a doctor’s note saying they are safe to come back.
  • We will continue to follow CDC guidelines regarding all illnesses, but we reserve the right to make necessary adjustments when needed.
  •  We will use a chemical sprayer filled with our approved sanitizing solution to enable us to spray larger areas of play faster. 
  •  Parents will be allowed in the building for drop-off from 7:00a.m.-9:15a.m. and for pick-up from 12:45p.m.-1:00p.m. We reserve the right to amend or change these times if we feel there is a rise in sickness.
  • Nappers will go home each day to be washed and returned the following day.
  •   Children will go outside to play whenever possible.
  •   If there are 2 or more positive Covid, RSV, or Flu cases from one class in a week, that class may be closed for cleaning. If Covid, RSV, or the Flu, has been diagnosed in your child’s classroom, and your child starts presenting symptoms, your child will be sent home and cannot return until your child has a negative test result.
  •  If an infant (N1-N3) is diagnosed with RSV, that child will have to stay home for 5 days or until all symptoms have cleared.